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Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

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Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Expected Start Date: As soon as a suitable candidate is found.

Date Posted: 5/27/2022

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled.

Position Title: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Reports To: The President

Terms of Employment: Twelve Months

Salary Range:

FLSA Classification: Exempt


教务长兼学术事务副校长(P/VPAA)是学院的首席学术官,是学院的二把手, acting for the President in his/her absence.  P/VPAA监督学术和相关活动,并确保它们以高质量高效地交付. 




  1. 作为高级行政部门的一员,与校长一起阐明十大赌博平台排行榜的使命和愿景.

  2. 制定和阐明教务的长期愿景和战略计划,以符合学院的整体战略计划和教务的优先事项.  In consultation with the President, 监督各项活动,以实现学院的这一愿景,并促进和加强教育和教学质量, research, and service.
  3. Advises and supports the President on college programs, policies, and operations to ensure the success of the college; ensure that policies foster excellence, equity and diversity.

  4. Provides leadership, direction, 管理学院的学术组织结构,并监督该结构中主要学术领导者的角色和责任,以及项目评估.

  5. 发展和促进学院与包括校董会在内的各选区之间积极和富有成效的关系, the Augusta community, alumni, the donor community, 以及全国高校组织和认证机构.
  6. In consultation with the President, the chief financial officer, 以及总统行政内阁的其他成员, determines budgetary priorities and assists in the development of an annual budget for the college; administers the Academic Affairs budget once approved.

  7. Oversees the faculty appointment, development, promotion, and tenure processes; collaborates with the Department Chairs to build the size and quality of the faculty as appropriate for fulfilling the mission of the College.

  8. 领导活动的实施,以实现影响教学的学院战略计划的相关目标, scholarly research, and service elements.

  9. 监督教务助理副校长、系主任和单位主任.
  10. 监督和管理学术事务下的外部资金事务,包括, 但不限于升学(UB)和学生支持服务(SSS).

  11. 应要求,在需要时代表主席出席活动、节目等. both on and off-campus.
  12. Other duties as determined by the President.




  1. 管理教学和学术支持方面的预算.
  2. 维护由国家、州、地区和专业认证机构制定的学术标准.
  3. Serves as a member of the Administrative Council.
  4. Presides at meetings of the faculty.
  5. 担任战略规划和评价委员会成员.
  6. 担任学院其他常务委员会的当然委员.
  7. 在总统缺席的情况下,执行必要的职能.




  1. 在美国认可的大学获得博士学位.S. 具有适当的学术和行政工作经验.  至少3 - 5年系主任级别或以上的学术事务经验,有院长级别经验者优先.
  2. Strong leadership, interpersonal, 以及人际关系技巧,能够在大学里与各个层次的人很好地合作.
  3. 有启动和实施学术项目的经验.
  4. Knowledge of higher education policy trends.
  5. 与学院社区的所有成员进行有效沟通(口头和书面)的能力.
  6. 对学院使命、愿景、核心价值观和战略目标的承诺.
  7. 对员工的监督和多方面项目的管理有成功的经验, 包括领导一个有效的学术管理和领导团队的能力.
  8. Strong planning and organizational skills.
  9. College or university level policy development. 
  10. Strategic Planning experience.
  11. 理解、赞赏和承诺资金筹集和其他外部形式的支持.
  12. 大专以上预算和财务管理经验.






As soon as a suitable candidate is found.  Review of applications will begin immediately.


To Apply

Complete an application for employment online.


Letter of interest that details the applicant's expertise and outlines the applicant's qualifications for the position; vita; three letters of recommendation; and all unofficial academic transcripts from institutions of higher education attended by the applicant.  如果录用,必须在录用后一(1)个月内提交成绩单原件.  候选人还必须提交一份可接受的犯罪背景调查.


For specific questions regarding this posting contact:

Mrs. Troyline Griffin, Human Resources

Email: tgriffin@h-i-systems.com


Note: If hired, 成功的候选人将被要求签署一份证明声明,表明他们已阅读, understand, 并尊重十大赌博平台排行榜的信仰声明和基督教教育哲学声明.  These statements may be found at http://h-i-systems.com/web/about/about/foundational-statements


To Apply

Complete an Application for Employment online. 教师职位可能仍然要求申请人邮寄成绩单和其他文件. See application for details.


For questions regarding this posting contact:
Paine College
Office of Human Resources



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